
Device Research Pathway - Apple Pencil Pro

           [ ]                                         -  We asked ChatGPT to give an overview of the Apple Pencil Pro and to also provide us with some links to help us with our research. We used the prompt “Give us an overview of the Apple Pencil Pro. Do provide some links that could aid us with our research as well.” - We used some of the links that were provided by ChatGPT. - Through Apple’s official website, we managed to get an overview of Apple Pencil Pro. - We also looked up Apple’s press releases and keynote presentations where the Apple Pencil Pro was announced. - We further research about the features and functions of Apple Pencil Pro. - We also looked up articles comparing Apple Pencil Pro to the previous models and also its competitions. - We read up on articles and case studies of how professionals implement Apple Pencil Pro in their work. - We then looked at the reviews to see the gen

Formal Introductory Letter

Subject: A brief introduction of myself Dear Professor Blackstone, My name is Min Kaung and I am a year 1 mechanical engineering student at SIT. I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you. I graduated from Singapore Polytechnic in 2022 with a diploma in aeronautical engineering. I started to gain interest in aeroplanes ever since I first saw aeroplanes when I was young. Since then, I would read up more about aeroplanes online to find out more information such as how the aeroplane flies and the different types of aeroplanes. This interest then led me to pursue further studies in engineering related to aeroplanes. My background in aeronautical engineering gives me a more focused understanding of how mechanical systems may be optimised for performance and efficiency, especially in the aerospace industry, and I believe that this is what makes me different from other people. One communication weakness that I have is presentation skills as I tend to look at the slides while presenti

The Importance of communication skills for engineers

“Communication skills are an essential component in the education of engineering students to facilitate not just students’ education but also to prepare them for their future careers.” - Marc Riemer, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University (2007)  What I can infer from this quote is that communication is very important in an engineer's work life. This is because as engineers, we will have to work with our colleagues to achieve the results that we want. For example, when an engineer is designing a product, he will have to work with the manufacturers by seeking their opinion on the design of the product, whether it is feasible. Only by communicating with others, the engineer will then be able to get the product that he desire. Furthermore, some of us might be leading a group of people at work and as a leader, it is important to have good communication skills as you have to give clear and precise instructions to your team so that your team understands what they need to do.